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  4. > Reduction of Applied Administrative Expense Rates for 2018-03 Distribution

News Releases

February 15, 2018
Japanese Society for Rights of Authors,
Composers and Publishers

Reduction of Applied Administrative Expense Rates for 2018-03 Distribution

JASRAC has decided to lower the applied administrative expense rates which are deducted when distributing royalty fees to trustees four times a year, only for the 2018-03 distribution as shown in the table below.

The balance of JASRAC’s general accounts is set as a single-year account settlement, and if there is a difference in income and expenditures, it will be distributed to trustees the following year. This reduction is due to the fact that the current expenditure (operating costs and administration costs required for business operations) for this fiscal year are at the level below the budget.

The royalty categories to which this will be applied are “General Performances”, “Broadcasting”, “Cable Broadcasting”, “Online Karaoke for Commercial Use” and “Interactive Transmissions”.

The administrative expense rates that are actually applied (“Applied rates”) are determined within the limits of the administrative expense rates that are notified to the Agency for Cultural Affairs (“Registered rates”) taking into account circumstances such as collection amounts and costs.

In order for royalty fees paid by users to lead to new creation, JASRAC will continue its efforts to improve administration efficiency and reduce expenses.

Applied administrative expense rates

Royalty Category Registered Rate Applied Rate for fiscal 2017 Applied rate only for
2018-03 distribution
General Performances 30% 25% 23%
Broadcasting 15% 10% 9%
Cable Broadcasting 15% 10% 9%
Online Karaoke for Commercial Use 15% 10% 9%
Interactive Transmissions 15% 10% 9%


For further information, please send your e-mails to:
JASRAC-International Relations Department: