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  3. > CMOs and Broadcasters Agree on Method to Determine Usage Share of Repertoire in Field of Broadcasting


September 18, 2015
Japanese Society for Rights of Authors,
Composers and Publishers (JASRAC)

CMOs and Broadcasters Agree on Method to Determine Usage Share of
Repertoire in Field of Broadcasting

JASRAC has agreed on the method of tariff calculation which reflects actual usage share of each CMO’s repertoire in the field of broadcasting with Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), the National Association of Commercial Broadcasters, and CMOs Japan Rights Clearance and e-License.

JASRAC has always taken into account the works not managed by JASRAC when negotiating tariff rates for broadcasting, and pursued the introduction of census usage reports in electronic format by broadcasters. This enabled the determination of actual usage share of each CMO’s repertoire based on more accurate information.

Since February this year, as a result of the above five-party talks with the Agency of Cultural Affairs in attendance, it has been agreed to standardize the form of usage reports submitted by broadcasters to each CMO considering the convenience of broadcasters, and to reflect actual usage share of each CMO’s repertoire under the same basis of calculation.

The five parties have agreed to apply this method from this fiscal year.

JASRAC will continue to strive to efficiently balance appropriate copyright protection and the smooth use of copyrighted works.


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JASRAC-International Relations Department: