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- > Injunction on acts of copyright infringement and claim of damages against owner of live venue
News Releases
October 31, 2013
Japanese Society for Rights of Authors,
Composers and Publishers
Injunction on acts of copyright infringement and claim of damages against owner of live venue
The Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC) today filed an action on merits with the Tokyo District Court requesting prohibition of performances of JASRAC repertoire at the live music venue "Live Bar X. Y. Z.→A," and a claim of damages accrued from copyright infringement against the operator of this venue, located in Hachioji City, Tokyo, which for an extended period of time repeatedly infringed copyrights in its live music performances.
Operators of live music venues are required to obtain licenses from JASRAC to use JASRAC repertoire in live and other performances, and JASRAC repeatedly explained these facts to the operator of this venue, and urged the operator to conclude a license agreement for the use of musical works. Despite these efforts, the operator in question continued to use music from May 2009 without authorization.
Consequently, in February 2012, JASRAC filed a petition for civil conciliation with the Hachioji Summary Court, to request the payment of copyright royalties for the period of unauthorized music use and the conclusion of a license agreement for future use. However, not only did the operator of the live venue refuse the payment of copyright royalties for past usage, but the unauthorized performances continued.
Given the fact that most operators of venues that provide live music performances have concluded license agreements with JASRAC to use music legally, for the sake of fairness as well, this incident cannot be ignored.
As described above, for the purpose of remedying the copyright infringement taking place at the venue in question, JASRAC has taken legal action.
JASRAC-International Relations Department: